מרכז צעירים ירושלים | כ"ח תמוז תש"פ 20.07.2020 | פתיחת שערים 19:00 | שעת התחלה 19:30
קורס עברית
Intended for young Olim in Jerusalem (18 - 40)

Your Hebrew is pretty good, but you don't feel fully comfortable in the workplace?
Join our Business Hebrew Immersion Course that will help you brush up on your Hebrew and be confident in every professional situation!

What's Business Hebrew Immersion Course?

This is an innovative way of improving foreign language skills by meeting up, practicing and diving into the culture behind the language.

Skills we will work on in this course:

- Speaking Hebrew with confidence in front of a crowd, presenting your ideas, and debating in a convincing and professional manner on various topics
- Handling job interviews and presenting yourself professionally and impressively
- Presenting your projects through "pitches"

- Writing professional emails
- Expanding your vocabulary - the practical and useful lingo in a professional work setting

- Gaining confidence through conversing and practicing with native Hebrew speakers

Minimum Hebrew level to participate: ג׳

10 sessions on Mondays (starting on 20/07)
19:30 - 21:30
